Filoli, March 2013, Saving the Daylight


Clock Tower Reflection Pool

A first visit to Filoli, its gardens and its modest contry home

Thirty five years of self motating around the San Francisco Bay Area and have never stopped onto the grounds of Filoli. Word on the streets was that the gardens were blooming in this pre-Spring so I thought it time to give the good old Lytro Illum a spin with maco and distance subjects to see what this lightfield camera was capable of.

With that, hrere are ten lightfield animations from single shot images with the Illum











The Lytro Illum camera, firmware, and its desktop software have some work ahead to really shine. There are clear undesired artifacts within the images due to the lightfield conversion - mostly around depth cuing. Still, not bad if you ae targetting something specific in the way of presentation, like:

Creating a large format lenticular print

Copyright © 2015, Eric Anderson Photography - Images may not be reproduced without prior written permission